Advanced RPA Reporting: What every robot should report?

Aug 5, 2020, 2:00 – 3:00 PM


39 RSVPs

Learn everything about RPA reporting. During the webinar we will discuss: 1. What dashboards every process should have? 2. How to monitor robots utilization? 3. What KPIs to measure in CoE? 4. Reporting as part of development standards. 5. How reporting works on technology level (look behind the scenes) Host: Eduard Shlepetskyy, UiPath MVP

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About this event

Learn everything about advanced RPA reporting

Webinar is a good fit for both Business management representatives and developers because we will be covering both aspects of reporting.

During the webinar we will discuss:

1. What dashboards every process should have?

2. How to monitor robots utilization?

3. What KPIs to measure in CoE?

4. Reporting as part of development standards.

5. How reporting works on technology level (look behind the scenes)

Mentioned things will be applicable to all mentioned reporting tools: Insights, Kibana, Tableau, PowerBI, GSuite.


Eduard Shlepetskyy, UiPath MVP & CEO @


16:00-16:05 Intro

16:05-16:15 Showcase of different dashboards

16:15-16:25 Reporting for RPA management and stakeholders. CoE KPI

16:25-16:35 How to monitor robots utilization?

16:35-16:50 How does it work behind the scenes. Best practices in RPA reporting

16:50-17:00 Q&A


  • Eduard Shlepetskyy



  • Eduard Shlepetskyy

    Ective Automation

    UiPath MVP / CEO @ Ective