Hong Kong & Shenzhen


96 members

Welcome to our UiPath Hong Kong & Shenzhen Chapter!

We are an online and offline environment where RPA developers, professionals, and enthusiasts:

- meet each other and share experiences in the RPA industry

- learn together about the challenges they encounter

- build projects and components together and expand upon automation ideas

For each event, we invite developers, business analysts, industry leaders, and organizations who are already working in the RPA industry to share their experiences and learnings on various topics surrounding automation. This can range anywhere from the business cases, demos, the UiPath product suite, the strategy, the skills needed to be successful, governance, and the future scope of RPA technologies - all the basics necessary to get started and be successful with RPA.

We aim to meet ideally monthly. If you are interested in presenting a subject, contact us so we can schedule you at one of our upcoming meet ups. We look forward to growing the automation community with you!

欢迎来到我们的 UiPath 香港和深圳分会!

我们是一个在线和离线环境,RPA 开发人员、专业人士和爱好者:

- 彼此见面,分享 RPA 行业的经验

- 一起了解他们遇到的挑战

- 共同构建项目,并扩展自动化理念

我们邀请在 RPA 行业工作的开发人员、业务分析师、行业领导者和组织就自动化的各种主题分享他们的经验和学习。这涵盖从商业案例、演示、UiPath 产品套件、战略、成功所需的技能、治理以及 RPA 技术的未来范围等各个方面, 启动和成功使用 RPA 所需的所有基础知识。


Past events

13 jul 2022

Virtual Meetup

UiPath Architecture & Installation of UiPath Orchestrator [English]

24 jun 2022

Virtual Meetup

City University of Hong Kong SCOPE & SkyFall Digital - 機器人流程自動化和未來工作的變化

19 feb 2022

Virtual Meetup

RPA 启动后--试点导入阶段实践分享

28 dic 2021

Virtual Meetup

“RPA 之旅 - 如何从头开始构建程序” / "RPA Journey– How to Build a Program from Scratch?"

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Vibhor Shrivastava

Regional Community Manager - APAC UiPath

Jessica Lee

Co-founder, Managing Director SkyFall Digital Limited

Paulogun Wong

General Manager

Rohit Radhakrishnan

Community Manager - APAC UiPath

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