The month of March is a month when we focus on the women in our community: their expertise and their achievements. But also their potential for guidance and mentorship as we look to find role models and help our entire community reach its maximum potential, in a gender diverse and inclusive environment.
Join us on March 19 for a first hand story on starting an automation career and leadership orientation as a woman expert in the automation field.
- Choosing a career in automation as a woman, despite having a strong background in core software development
- How a strong background in core development can be leveraged to build a career in automation/digital transformation
- Choosing a technical role in automation rather than non-technical positions as a woman
- Leading teams as a woman in Turkey’s tech industry
- How professionals from fields other than computer engineering (both STEM and non-STEM) can transition into automation careers
- Mentoring professionals from different fields in their automation careers
We are honored to have with us one of best women in automation advocates and professionals in Turkey:
👩🏫 Kardelen Cihangir, Technical Team Lead @VBM Turkey.