Jul 18, 2022, 12:30 – 2:00 PM (UTC)
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127 RSVPs
Test Automation in Orchestrator allows you to distribute and manage your tests. In this session, you can learn how to get started with test automation.
Hello good people from Bangladesh, Nepal and Srilanka,
We are coming up with a new session where we will talk about UiPath Test Automation. In this session, we will deep dive into the following topics:
1. Functional Testing
2. End to End Flow of Web Testing
3. Generating an Execution Report
4. Live Demo
See you in the session!
Community Lead - Asia Pacific & Japan
Boundaryless Automation
Country Director & Senior Solution Architect, & UiPath MVP
Technical Consultant - Digital Transformation
TransUnion - CIBIL India
Ast Manager UAT