Sep 28, 2022, 2:00 – 4:00 AM (UTC)
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WeWork Level 38, Central Park, 152 St Georges Terrace, Perth, 6000
23 RSVPs
Join our second Perth meetup for 2022, where, through creative and collaborative conversations, we will share our experiences and observations as we continue along our Robotic Process Automation (RPA) journey.
UiPath Perth will be hosting our second in-person meetup for this year on 28 September. This session will be all about the .Net and Chrome MV changes that every UiPath developer should be aware of. These changes imposed by Microsoft and Google, could be disruptive to your automation operating model and planning towards any service mitigation is needed now. Join us to discover and learn from our UiPath experts Brandon Warwick, Adam Wozniak and Andrew Rosson, as well as members of our community group who have prepared for the changes required.