Document Understanding with Generative AI

Jul 24, 2023, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

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119 RSVPs

Learn & Explore the power of Document Understanding and Generative AI.

AdvancedAutomation Developer

About this event

Document Understanding takes the power of RPA and adds a layer of AI, enabling the robot to know what type of document it is and then extract and utilize that information according to the document type. This opens a new world for RPA - semi and unstructured data.

During this event, you will learn how and where we use Document Understanding with Generative AI in UiPath. It provides all the inputs of upcoming trends and the future of Document understanding.

📕 Agenda:

- Current State of Document Understanding

- AI Models (Structured/Unstructured/Semi-Structured)

- Future of Document Understanding

- Introduction of Generative AI

- Document Understanding in relation to Generative AI

- Use cases of DU with Generative AI

- Conclusion

- Q&A


  • Lahiru Fernando

    Boundaryless Automation

    Country Director & Senior Solution Architect, & UiPath MVP

  • Deepak Rai

    Boundaryless Group

    Automation Practice Lead - APAC