Building Custom Connector using Integration Service

Mar 27, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (UTC)

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50 RSVPs

As part of Integration Service, the Connector Builder enables you to quickly add custom connectors to your tenant catalogue in a no-code environment.

Automation DeveloperAutomation Solution ArchitectIntegration ServiceIntermediateOrchestratorStudio

About this event

Once you start building workflows using external data, you might run into scenarios where UiPath has no pre-built connectors or activities to help you solve a particular problem. Connector Builder allows you to add connectors to your catalogue that are important to you, your co-workers, and your business processes.

A connector built through Connector Builder leverages the Integration Service framework for other connectors providing high reusability within your workflows, therefore it seamlessly connects with the larger UiPath ecosystem (Studio, Orchestrator, Assistant, etc.) and you can use the activities created for this connector just like any other activities.

In this session, we will cover the steps to build a Custom Connector using Connection Builder.


  • Parth Doshi




  • Dilip Wakdikar


    RPA Pre-sales Engineer


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