Oct 24, 2021, 8:00 AM – Nov 22, 2021, 10:00 PM (UTC)
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10 RSVPs
Join the UiPath Innovation RPA Hackathon 2021 to showcase the work you are doing to make a difference in the world through automation that is solving real world issues.
Category # 1: Student RPA Innovation
UiPath continues to devote its efforts to solve social problems that challenge all of us. In this category, we are looking for collecting inspiring ideas for automation that create a positive impact on society through innovation. Participants are expected to develop ideas and solutions that can solve any challenge related to:
Diversity and Inclusion
Health Care (Non-Covid)
Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Public Sector
UiPath Innovation solutions help others understand best practices that can be applied across organizations to solve real-world related issues. What issues have you discovered where automation can assist in making a difference?
The list of probable uses of RPA are robust. Share how RPA is the best fit for solving problems encountered by organizations in the categories mentioned above, as they face challenges associated with the workforce, time, cost, creating a green environment and more... Share how RPA can empower organizations to focus more on mission-critical tasks and less on repetitive tasks.
Category # 2: Professional Enterprise Integration
Analysts and customers have highlighted UiPath’s technology alliance ecosystem as one of its three main strengths. Demonstrate this key strength by building an automation that solves a real problem for a specific Industry, leveraging any of the enterprise applications listed below. The proposed workflow must integrate to one or more of the enterprise applications listed using activity packs, connectors, or accelerators which are hosted in the UiPath Marketplace or are using an APIs from your favorite integration application.
* Workflows that span multiple enterprise applications and solve important industry problems will be awarded additional merit points.
What to Submit:
Completed UiPath Innovation RPA Hackathon presentation slide deck for your submission.
Demo video.
Access to your working application or code repository. Provide a public link for the Judges and Sponsors to view or download your code or solution.
Complete submission form. Include all of the required fields on your Devpost submission form, BEFORE the final deadline on November 22, 2021 at 5pm EST.
$9,300 in prizes
Student Developer Prize | First Place
• $2,500
• UiPath participation certificate for all team members (up to 4)
Student Developer Prize | Second Place
•$1,500 • UiPath participation certificate for all team members (up to 4)
Student Developer Prize | Third Place
Each team member will get a $150.00 UiPath Store Voucher and UiPath participation certificate for all team members (up to 4)
Professional Developer Prize | First Place
$3,000 • UiPath participation certificate for all team members (up to 4)
Professional Developer Prize | Second Place
$2,000 • UiPath participation certificate for all team members (up to 4)
Professional Developer Prize | Third Place
Each team member will get a $150.00 UiPath Store Voucher and UiPath participation certificate for all team members (up to 4)
Thank you for participating in the UiPath Innovation RPA Hackathon, 2021. The submission deadline is November 22, 2021 5:00 pm EST. Please note that if you are submitting as a team rather than as an individual, then you only need to fill in one submission form per team.
If you are submitting more than one solution, you must fill in a submission form for each.
Your submission must include the following in order to be considered for the next round:
UiPath Innovation RPA Hackathon Presentation (no longer than 10 slides).
Business Use Case (approximately 7 minutes) & Solution Video (approximately 3 minutes) - combined should be no longer than 10 minutes
Additional scripts if applicable
Concept 30%
We’ll evaluate your idea to look for innovative ways you are adding value to industry challenges.
Technology 30%
We'll evaluate your solution on how effectively and efficiently you’ve used UiPath products, and if you’ve integrated with the ecosystem of other technologies.
Completion 25%
We will determine how well thought-out your solution is. Have you delivered what you wanted too? Please be realistic about what can be accomplished in the time frame available.
Academy Course Completion 5%
One or more team members must complete a course from the UiPath Academy. Percentage points are given based on the number of team members who have completed a course in the team.
Presentation 10%
We will check to see if you have a well-defined problem statement, how you have articulated your solution, and if your presentation is precise.