University/College Record Creation Bot

Apr 2, 2022, 12:00 – 1:30 PM


111 RSVPs

Join this session to build a Record Creation Bot - a real use case for universities and colleges

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About this event

Problem Statement :

Any Institute / College / Institution deals with a huge amount of Data. This Data can be Application Data, registration-related data, fees data, Course Structure, Enrollment data, library-related, etc. The data has to be stored in the databases or college applications for validation, reporting, and other Bits.

Once we have collected the data from various sources, a significant amount of time is invested in updating the application or DataSources.

In this Use Case, we'll build a Data / Record creation Bot.

What will we Cover

Build the Project in the RE Framework

Use RE Framework without Queues.

Step by Step Demonstration (LIVE Build)

Follow Industry Standards and Best Practices.

Prerequisite :

UiPath Studio Installed

Microsoft Office Installed ( As we would Excel)

Download these file :


  • Mukesh Kala


    RPA Manager & UiPath MVP


  • Rohit Radhakrishnan


    Community Manager - APJ

  • Cristina Vidu


    Global Manager, Marketing Community

  • Diana Gray


    Community Marketing Manager, Americas, UiPath

  • Mukesh Kala


    RPA Manager (Boundaryless) | UiPath MVP