Jul 30, 2021, 1:00 – 2:15 PM (UTC)
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44 RSVPs
In this session you will learn how Robotic Process Automation (RPA) fits into the software testing domain. The idea behind UiPath Test Suite Product is to minimize test engineer efforts by mimicking his actions with RPA.
Please join event here: us05web.zoom.us/j/82217351433?pwd=M1daT0lkeDJncUxjMmcra3JwME1Zdz09
• UiPath Test Suite role in the end-to-end software testing cycle.
• Test Case Building and Publishing with UiPath StudioPro
• Verification Activities
• Building Data Driven Test Cases
• Test Execution with UiPath Orchestrator
• Define a Continuous Integration/Continuous Testing environment using UiPath Test Suite
Dimension Data
Automation Architect
Regional Community Manager EMEA
Trigyn Technologies (Mumbai)
RPA Architect