Welcome to RPA Business Analyst Workshop Day 7
Hello Everyone,
We are looking at learning most interesting and important topic for a RPA Business Analyst, After this session you will be able to understand how Deployments, Hyper-Care, Hand Over, Change-Request happens in RPA and what are then contributions of RPA BA in these phases.
In this session we will cover following topics:
- How Deployments will happen in RPA.
- What are Pre-Requisites for Hyper-Care Phase, How Hyper-Care will happen in RPA.
- What are the different areas BA should taken care while Deployments happeneing in RPA.
- How Hand-Over happens in RPA, what are the steps, what are the documentations prepared by BA.
- What is Change- Request and How Change-Requests happens in RPA.
- What are the Parameters to handle Change-Request, how to priroitize the change, how to estimate the change etc..
- Lot more...