RPA Business Analyst Workshop - Day 5

Oct 6, 2021, 3:30 – 5:00 PM

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156 RSVPs

Welcome to RPA Business Analyst Workshop Day 5, We will be learning most important and intresting topics for a Business Analyst in the RPA domian.

About this event

Welcome to RPA Business Analyst Workshop Day 5

Hello Everyone,

We are looking at learning most interesting and important topic for a RPA Business Analyst, After this session you will be able to understand how Development will happen in RPA, How Testing will happen in RPA, and How UAT will be conducted in RPA with some real time sceanrios.

In this session we will cover following topics:

  1. How Development will happen in RPA and who is Responsible for it.
  2. What are the key-measures taken by BA in Development Phase.
  3. How Testing will happen in RPA.
  4. What are the different types of Testing involved in RPA.
  5. How to prepare the Test-Cases.
  6. How UAT will happen in RPA and who will be involved in UAT.
  7. What are the Roles and Responsibilities of a BA in Testing, UAT Phase.
  8. How Sign-off will happen for UAT.
  9. Many More..


  • Nikhilesh Sathyavarapu


    Associate Manager


  • Devneet Mohanty


    Sr RPA Consultant