Costa Rica RPA and AI Hackathon 2023

Jul 26, 2023, 2:00 PM – Sep 11, 2023, 5:59 AM

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Costa Rica Student Developer Chapter

68 RSVPs

Costa Rica RPA & AI Hackathon 2023 is Live This year the UiPath Community and Greenlight Consulting invite you to choose your challenge from one of three categories and contribute to bringing automation ideas to life by creating viable solutions.


About this event

Watch the Awareness Video here:

The Costa Rica RPA & AI Hackathon challenges you to use UiPath technologies and tools to build a solution to solve any Enterprise, Public Administration, Personal or Non-Profit Organization use case. It can be an out-of-the-box automation designed to benefit every employee at your organization or a unique personal assistant/automation.

You can also use UiPath partner technologies to supplement your automation ideas. For example: Chatbots, APIs etc. 

πŸ‘‰ β€’ Category 1: Showcase Costa Rica

Showcase Costa Rica! Highlight what Costa Rica is known for, or something specific to Costa Rica that you’re proud of. What topics are unique to Costa Rica that would benefit from automation? Are there cultural, agricultural, weather, and historical ideas you can think of where automation could be useful to showcase Costa Rica and the value it has?

πŸ‘‰β€’ Category 2: Nation-wide/community problem solving

Nation-wide/community problem solving. Solve a current issue that impacts a wider group of people. Topic examples: improving mental health, the circular economy, climate change, virtual learning, employment, learning a second language. What community challenges might benefit from using automation? Are there local projects that can be automated?

πŸ‘‰β€’ Category 3: Student life in Costa Rica

Student life in Costa Rica. Showcase an automation that could help fellow students! This could be anything from helping to alleviate administrative tasks, staying on top of school work, finding an internship position or first job, supporting positive emotional/mental health, or something else you think will be impactful to you and your peers. What challenges do students face in Costa Rica? Can you develop an automation that'd benefit students in Costa Rica in their everyday lives?

πŸ‘‰β€’ Bonus Category: Showcase AI Technology

AI is a rapidly expanding field and we’d love you to learn and enhance your knowledge of AI technologies and their capabilities. The UiPath Platform includes technology that leverages AI, or enables usage of external AI technology, in particular: Document Understanding, Clipboard AI, Action Center, Integration Service. 

Example Problem Statements & Solution Ideas you can use for your submission, or leverage to spark your own ideas!

Category 1: Showcase Costa Rica

1) Problem Statement: Tourists would like to plan a trip to Costa Rica and would love help making the planning process shorter

Solution Ideas: (1) Build an automation that recommends the best time of year to visit Costa Rica and locations to stay at/visit based on user preferences taken as input into the automation (e.g., beach, all-inclusive hotel, adventure lover), (2) Build an automation that recommends where to stay for a 5, 7 or 10 day trip given user preferences, and prepares a budget, (3) Build an automation that shows the prices for peak, mid and low seasons for various places in Costa Rica

2) Problem Statement: A new farmer wants to get into the coffee and pineapple growing business! When and where to start?

Solution Idea: Build an automation that searches the best climate to start the plantation season, and best locations, retrieving historical data from Costa Rican sources, and making a decision based on this historical data.

Category 2: Nation-wide/Community Problem Solving

1) Problem Statement: It is challenging for working women to care for children and elderly family members while continuing to work and juggle a myriad of appointments and schedules.

Solution Idea: Build an automation that combines schedules into an easily consumable format showing required time off to share with employers. 

2) Problem Statement: Home electricity usage varies by time of day and can result in significant savings for homeowners if they know when is the best time to do things like laundry and cooking. 

Solution Idea: Build an automation that shows the difference in cost/savings if homeowners use electricity at different times of the day. (Varies by electricity provider)

Category 3: Student life in Costa Rica

1) Problem Statement: Help students figure out which friends will be in their classes for the upcoming semester and when they will have shared free time

Solution Idea: Extract attendee lists from virtual class invites (e.g., google meets) and build a combined schedule given a pre-specified list of participants

2) Problem Statement: Help budget-conscious students find the best places to shop

Solution Idea: Given a list of 3 products, scrape and monitor price data in different marketplaces/supermarkets and inform the user where to find the price

Bonus Category : Use AI in your submission

We have a special bonus category for entries that use AI in your submission. Let us know if you in fact did use AI and how when you submit your project plan.

Consult product category options and resources:

UiPath Business Automation Platform

Marketplace Components

In case you don't have access to the UiPath Business Automation Platform selected tools, please ask for a Product Enterprise Trial or download UiPath Automation Cloud for Community.

😎 Who can participate?

Individuals or teams can participate. Teams can be made up of a maximum of 4 people.

Examples of people who should participate,

  • Any student or IT professional from Costa Rica can participate in this hackathon
🎒 How to Participate:

Check rules and regulations below.

Register before Aug 11 , 2023. (If you are participating as a team, individual registration is mandatory for each participant.

πŸ“„ Rules and Regulations:

The idea you're submitting must not be available as a solution or reusable component on the UiPath Marketplace. (However, you may extend an existing solution, for example, a connector for Salesforce, but with enhanced functionalities already available in the Marketplace.)

You can join as an individual or in teams of a maximum of 4 people. When submitting, only one of you will submit the final project to be assessed.

Everyone on the team needs to register separately to the hackathon.

You can submit more than one solution as a participant or team in the same/different categories.

See the full T&C

πŸ†πŸ₯‡ Costa Rica RPA & AI Hackathon 2023:

Category 1 Prizes : Showcase Costa Rica
  • 1st Prize – $100 USD UiPath voucher
  • 2nd Prize – $50 USD gift card courtesy of Greenlight
  • RPA & AI Hackathon Certificate for all Finalists

Category 2 Prizes: Nation-wide/community problem solving

  • 1st Prize – $100 USD UiPath voucher
  • 2nd Prize – $50 USD gift card courtesy of Greenlight
  • RPA & AI Hackathon Certificate for all Finalists
Category 3 Prizes : Student life in Costa Rica
  • 1st Prize – $100 USD UiPath voucher
  • 2nd Prize – $50 USD gift card courtesy of Greenlight
  • RPA & AI Hackathon Certificate for all Finalists

Bonus Category : AI Technology

  • 1st Prize – $100 USD gift card courtesy of Greenlight & an opportunity to interview for an internship
  • 2nd Prize – $50 USD gift card courtesy of Greenlight
  • RPA & AI Hackathon Certificate for all Finalists

πŸ“† Important Dates to Remember:

July 26: RPA Awareness Session

July 26: Registrations Open

Aug 11 : Last date to register for the hackathon/ Closing registrations

Please Note - It is mandatory to sign up for one of the two following workshops:

Aug 29, Sep 5, Sep 6, Sep 9: Virtual office hours for support

Sept 7: Last date to submit a functional demo of your idea/solution/ Closing submissions - UPDATED TO SEPTEMBER 10

Sept 14: Selected teams/finalists to be notified for the Live Finale

Sept 23: Live Finale

Sept 23: Winners' Announcement

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ Judging Criteria:

Impact 25% - We want to understand the value that your idea will bring to society or a specific user group. Is it far-reaching, and does it have the potential of widespread use across multiple people/organizations? 

Concept 20% - We’ll evaluate your idea to see if it is innovative and adds value for the target audience. How significant and relevant is the problem that the solution intends to solve?

Technology 25% – We'll evaluate your solution on how effectively and efficiently you've used UiPath products and if you've integrated those with the ecosystem of other technologies.

Completion 15% - How complete is the solution? Have you delivered what you wanted?

Presentation & Video 15% - We want to see how you addressed your problem statement. How clearly have you articulated your solution?

AI Bonus Category - How well does the solution leverage AI technology? How integral is AI tech in contributing to the solution?

Note: You need to be realistic about what can be accomplished in the given timeframe.

πŸ‘†πŸ“© Submission Guidelines:

The submission deadline is set for on or before September 7, 2023. If you're participating as a team, kindly fill out only one submission form for each project. It's crucial that your idea is fully functional to provide a comprehensive evaluation by the judges. To prevent rejection, please include the following checklist in your submission.

1. Submit your solution on the Use-cases repository/UiPath Forum with the title 'Costa Rica RPA & AI Hackathon 2023 - Your_Project_name' 

Please Note: You must be Signed in on UiPath Forum to add a use-case.


  • Presentation (no longer than 10 slides). Please use this template
  • PDD (Process Design Document using UiPath Task Capture)
  • Project Files / WorkFlow
  • Solution Video demonstrating the project functionalities (no longer than 5 minutes)
  • Additional Scripts (if applicable)

πŸ”½ Please add all of the above in a downloadable zip file using "TeamName_'Costa Rica RPA & AI Hackathon 2023 - Your_Project_name' _Project_N”. Downloadable link access must be set to public (If access isn't public and we aren't able to download the solution, your solution won't be considered for evaluation).

Please post any questions to the Hackathon Forum or email Thank you, and best of luck!